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Compressor does not work after opening the air conditioner of excavator

Release Time:2022-01-15 14:47:06      Clicks:374

General excavator air conditioning after open compressor does not work what reason? Next, Peng Tai Xiaobian to a simple introduction.

Compressor does not work is generally no cold medium, in addition to the line problems or compressor problems.

The capacitor starter can overload protect the compressor from the advantages and disadvantages of the circuit to control these actions. Excavator air conditioning

The compressor high pressure and high temperature overload protection jumps off and automatically starts running after the temperature drops. After running, the temperature rises and the overload protection is repeated, which is always circulating. Excavator air conditioning

Possible causes and treatment of hypertension:

The capacitor did not dissipate enough heat. Check whether the heat sink rotates and the condensing tube has dust. Clean the condenser.

Excess coolant. Increase compressor load, cause high pressure, appropriate to reduce refrigerant.

The plumbing system is blocked. Refer to the pressure gauge to judge, eliminate, and then system processing. Excavator air conditioning

The dust on the filter screen of the evaporator will form scale. Air volume decreases, system pressure and temperature loss, cleaning evaporator or filter.

Compressor starting capacitor burned out. The capacitor needs to be replaced. Excavator air conditioning

The starting coil of the compressor is burned out and cannot operate normally. The starting current is too large and the protection device trips. The compressor needs to be replaced.

This period of Peng Tai Xiaobian on the introduction of excavator air conditioning here, I hope to help you. If you have any questions, you can contact us.

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