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Air conditioning safety tips!

Release Time:2021-03-21 18:22:25      Clicks:316

1. When checking the air conditioner, if there is an abnormal phenomenon, the user needs to shut down immediately, or cut off the power supply. It is suggested that we should ask the special staff to help us when encountering the fault phenomenon.

2, the air conditioning power supply can not exceed the rated voltage of the work, if it reaches the maximum limit of the rated voltage, it is recommended that the user stop the air conditioner, in order to ensure safety. When using air conditioner, if the power supply voltage is found to be too low, it should be stopped immediately.

3. Avoid the continuous switching of air conditioning as far as possible. In addition, it should be noted that the user should not plug the power plug directly for convenience. It will not only cause damage to the air conditioning control system, but also pull the arc between the plug and socket, resulting in personal safety accidents.

4. During maintenance, the user should check whether the plug of all electrical appliances is tight and not loose. Otherwise it will cause bad contact and damage the air conditioner.

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