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The refrigeration process of tractor air conditioning in agricultural machinery

Release Time:2022-10-21 18:40:03      Clicks:412

Refrigerating process of condenser - tractor air conditioning for agricultural machinery:

The ultra-low temperature bottom pressure gaseous refrigerant (refrigerant pressure is about 0.3MPa, temperature is about 0℃) through the evaporator turns into high pressure and high temperature refrigerant vapor body according to the refrigeration compressor (when the average external temperature is 30℃, the refrigerant pressure is about 1.7MPa, about 70℃), and the reduced refrigerant enters the condenser through the exhaust pipe. After the high pressure and high temperature refrigerant vapor body enters the condenser, under the mandatory cooling effect of the diesel engine cooling fan, the refrigerant will release a lot of heat into the air according to the condenser, making the gaseous refrigerant cold into high pressure and medium temperature refrigerant liquid (at this time, the liquid refrigerant temperature is about 60℃, the pressure is about 1.5MPa), and then into the dry liquid reservoir. The refrigerant after moisture absorption and over-consideration of the dry and manic liquid reservoir then reaches the evaporator through the air conditioning expansion valve. Because of the small round hole effect of the air conditioning expansion valve (the diameter is only about millimeters), the refrigerant pressure and temperature of the liquid are greatly reduced (the refrigerant pressure is about 0.3MPa and the temperature is about 0℃), and a small part of the liquid refrigerant (about 15 ~ 20%) flash into vapor. Then it enters the evaporator and carries out a heat exchanger with the gas in the automobile driving room (about 0.1MPa, 30℃) to digest and absorb the heat in the automobile driving room (according to gas transmission). The refrigerant becomes gaseous after endothermal reaction (the pressure of the refrigerant vapor body is 0.2MPa, the temperature is about 5℃), and then the gaseous refrigerant with ultra-low temperature and bottom pressure returns to the refrigeration compressor. In this way, the circulation system is developed in the sealing system software, and the heat in the car is constantly removed to complete the cooling, until the setting temperature specified in the car box is achieved. Air conditioner condenser for farm machinery.

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