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[Loader air conditioning is not refrigerated] small loader maintenance tips

Release Time:2021-03-29 11:48:09      Clicks:364

Small loader is also a common industrial equipment in daily life. Good maintenance is conducive to reducing common faults in daily affairs and improving work efficiency. So how should you do a stronger maintenance of the small loader? Below we will take a look at how to stronger maintenance of small loaders. Loader air conditioning does not cool.

1. It is necessary to check that the hydraulic oil pump deposit room should be filled with plant brake fluid. If the liquid is not enough, it should be added immediately. Brake fluid should not penetrate mineral oil, or it will quickly destroy vulcanized rubber components.

2. Cleaning steam in brake fluid.

The brake fluid seeping into the vapor will harm the braking performance. Exhaust pipes should be developed after removing and replacing parts and cleaning system software.

Exhaust pipe mode:

(1) Clean the scale of hydraulic oil pipeline, oil storage chamber, etc.

(2) Full oil brake fluid.

(3) Start the diesel engine and park after the gas barometer reading is 0.68~0.7MPa.

(4) The vent mouth is set into the transparent tube for the vent, and the other end of the tube is put into the oil tray.

(5) Keep pressing the emergency brake pedal and release the brake pedal. When air is released, it must also be immediately directed to the oil storage chamber.

Fill the brake fluid to prevent gas from entering the system software again. Loader air conditioning does not cool.

3. Pressure adjustment When the original factory, the working pressure has been adjusted.

After application, if the standard air pressure is lower than 0.68~0.7MPa, it should be adjusted. Turn the adjusting anchor bolt of the pressure controller clockwise and press the spring to make the working pressure 0.68~0.7MPa and clamp the nut tightly. If the standard pressure is too high, the reverse adjustment is made.

4. Brake performance inspection

The quality of braking performance is related to the safety factor and efficiency of the operation. The brake system software should check whether the braking performance is in good condition. When driving at 24km/h on vertical and dry concrete surface, the braking interval is not more than 8m when braking with feet. At the speed of 30km/h, the point of trial operation, should quickly appear braking condition, and no deviation.

5. Maintenance

(1) Often check whether there is leakage in the foot brake system software, whether a variety of connection heads and connecting parts are loose, whether the total hydraulic oil pump level is normal, whether the pipeline is smooth, without leakage.

(2) The cleaning of the brake can give full play to its braking efficiency as soon as possible, and the early detection of common faults. Loader air conditioning does not cool.

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