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Type of vehicle air conditioning

Release Time:2021-03-21 11:42:49      Clicks:347

1, according to the driving mode is divided into: single type (a special engine driven compressor, large cooling capacity, stable work, but the cost is high, large volume and weight, mostly used for large and medium-sized buses) and non-single type (air conditioning compressor driven by the car engine, refrigeration performance by the engine work, poor stability, mostly used for small buses and cars).

2. According to air conditioning performance, it is divided into: Single function type (the refrigeration, heating, ventilation system respectively installed, separate operation, non-interference, mostly used in large buses and trucks) and warm and cold integrated type (refrigeration, heating, ventilation sharing blower and air duct, control on the same control board, work can be divided into cold and warm air respectively work combined type and warm and cold air can work at the same time mixed temperature control type. The car uses mixed temperature control type).

3. According to the control mode, it is divided into manual type (toggle the function key on the control board to control the temperature, wind speed and wind direction) and electronic pneumatic regulation (using the vacuum control mechanism, when the function key of the air conditioning is selected, the temperature and air volume can be automatically controlled in the predetermined temperature).

4, according to the control mode is divided into: automatic regulation (using the calculation of the comparison circuit, through the sensor signal and pre-adjustment signal control adjustment mechanism, automatic adjustment of temperature and air volume) and microcomputer control of automatic regulation

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